For when you get a cold

Immunity probiotic

Do you have a sniffly nose, aching bones? Do you feel a cold coming on?

Now is the time to reach for our Immunity probiotic. This multi-strain culture contains billions of living microbes fermented with traditional herbs and minerals including four types of echinacea to support the immune system at the first sign of sickness.

  • tick Designed to support the body to ward off sickness
  • tick Fermented with echinacea and cayenne
  • tick Contains 15 diverse strains of living microbes
  • tick Liquid form for better absorption
  • tick Can support the immune system
  • tick Bottle is 100% recycled plastic and natural cap can be recycled

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3 steps to take your microbes

1 spoon 15 ml of our liquid probiotics is needed each day for your gut health

step 1

Take a 15ml tablespoon of Immunity probiotic every morning before you have breakfast

a droplet shape with all 15 strains of probiotics for your gut health, cleaning, pets and garden

step 2

Delivers billions of living bacteria to your gut. Brewed to 3.2ph to survive stomach acid

microbe biome with in your gut

step 3

Say goodbye to gut discomfort and hello to a healthier you with Microbz.

Katie Allen in a blanket holding a cup of chamomile tea with immunity probiotic

How is the immune system connected to your gut health? 

There is an important relationship between the microbes in your digestive system and your immunity. Research is uncovering how this complex relationship impacts our general health.

What we know so far is that the health of your immune system impacts your gut and the health of your gut impacts your immune system and inflammation in the gut lining.  The trillions of beneficial bacteria that live in your gut lining protect the body from foreign bodies and interact with your immune cells to regulate your immune response to help fight off diseases. 

What you eat affects the number and diversity of bacteria in the gut which affects the immune system. Eating wholefoods and a variety of fruits and vegetables as well as foods that are grown in healthy local soil can help your gut bacteria, reduce inflammation and support the immune system. 

If you’re feeling a cold or flu coming on, reach for this soil-based probiotic that contains 15 diverse strains as well as four types of echinacea and cayenne, herbs known to stimulate our immune response.

Best probiotic for your immune system

probiotics for women comparison table

Why microbz?

Because our probiotic is diverse.

Diversity is key to your gut health and female flora. Our probiotics have 15 strains making it a broad spectrum probiotic, with billions of beneficial microbes in every shot.

17 minerals and herbal ingredients



Shrubby, tropical perennial that can grow up to 2ft (50cm) in height. Branches and stems are hardwood and angular. Flowers bloom in pairs or clusters, greenish or yellow-white in colour. The leaves are broad, elliptical, puffy, wrinkled and bright dark green in colour. The fruit is pendulous and pod-like, shiny red/orange in colour, yellowing when ripe. Flowers in summer.

herbal benefits

Adjuvant, analgesic,antiseptic (gastrointestinal tract), carminative, circulatory stimulant, counter-irritant, decongestant, diaphoretic, digestive tonic, metabolic stimulant.

Echinacea purpurea


A perennial herb growing to 1.8m in height. The stems are covered in short soft hairs. Leaves rising from the base of the stem are 15x10cm with coarsely, irregularly toothed margins. Flower heads are up to 15cm in diameter, with the central disc-florets orange, whilst the outer florets are red/purple with green tips. The fruit is an achene (small, thin walled, dry fruit).

Habit and cultivation: Propagated by seed or division and prefers rocky, open woodlands and prairies, although sometimes also found in wetter soils alongside rivers and streams. Flowers from January to May. Self-sows in frosty areas, may flower in the first year.

herbal benefits

Immune enhancing, anti-viral, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-tumour, laxative, stimulate bile secretion, wound healing, lymphatic. Topically: antiseptic.

Echinacea angustifolia


The herb can grow up to 3ft (1m) in height. The stout stem is covered in bristly hairs, accompanied by thick, hairy leaves 3-8inches long. Once the flower head dries the pales remain, achenes are four-sided and have small teeth at each corner of the crown.


Immune enhancing, anti-viral, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-tumour, laxative, stimulate bile secretion, wound healing and lymphatic. Topically: antiseptic



A swift growing, deciduous tree growing to 12m (40ft) in height. The bark of the tree is surrounded by dense cork. Leaves are green in colour and tripinnate. The fragrant flowers extend on fine stalks, 5 petaled and white-yellow. The dark brown seeds have thin papery wings, easily scattered by wind and water.


Anti-oxidant, anti-convulsant, anti-cancer, anti-microbial, anti-trypanosomal, anti-viral, anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic and anti-glycaemic.

Siberian Ginseng


A hardy, deciduous shrub growing (at a slow rate) to 2m (6ft 7in) in height. Containing both male and female organs (hermaphrodite). Flowers in July in umbrella-like clusters varying in colour from light violet to yellow. Berry-like oval fruit. Bright green leaves 12-15cm long. The root is long, woody and pliable.


Adaptogen and immunostimulant.

FAQ for Immunity probiotic

Ask our nutritionist

I have been a complementary therapist for 30 years trained in holistic, multi-disciplinary approaches of health and wellbeing for all ages. From the start, nutrition and working with nature has been my foundation and 13 years ago I discovered the wonderful world of our microbiome and beneficial microbes which brings it all together and connects us to everything and which I am passionate about. 


Zara Kirk ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐