Reboot your gut health

90 day gut reboot

The 90-day gut reboot will support you over three months by repairing and sustaining your gut lining.

Take microbz Revive for the first 30 days and then take microbz Sustain for the next 60 days. 

Keep track of how you feel with a daily diary and get emails from our team to support, motivate and answer your questions along the way.

Research shows it can take as long as three months to restore and rebalance your microbiome - so stick with it!

  • tick Designed to improve digestive issues including IBS & IBD
  • tick Helps to treat constipation and improve gut mobility
  • tick Can support the immune system and immune-related conditions
  • tick Can be used to repopulate your gut with friendly bacteria after antibiotic treatment
  • tick Can contribute to better sleep, reduce fatigue, and improve skin
  • tick Comes with a daily diary and emails to support your progress at just 0.85p per day

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3 steps to take your microbes

1 spoon 15 ml of our liquid probiotics is needed each day for your gut health

step 1

Take a 15ml tablespoon of 90 day gut reboot every morning before you have breakfast

a droplet shape with all 15 strains of probiotics for your gut health, cleaning, pets and garden

step 2

Delivers billions of living bacteria to your gut. Brewed to 3.2ph to survive stomach acid

microbe biome with in your gut

step 3

Say goodbye to gut discomfort and hello to a healthier you with Microbz.

Image of the revive probiotic in a bush for gut health

Why might you need a gut reset and what can it do for you?

There are many symptoms which indicate that it might be helpful to consider a gut cleanse. 

These include 

  • diarrhea 
  • constipation
  • IBS
  • frequent gas
  • bloating
  • autoimmune diseases
  • skin conditions
  • chronic inflammation

A gut cleanse with a multi-strain probiotic can help to introduce many different bacteria to your gut lining. These bacteria support the health of the gut lining which links to the immune system and hormone production and also supports you to get the most nutrition out of the food that you digest. 

Image of the sustain probiotic in a bush for gut health

How can you get the most out of your gut reset?

There are ways that you can support your gut reset.

  • eating a variety of whole foods, fruits and vegetables
  • exercising regularly 
  • drinking plenty of water
  • managing your stress
  • getting plenty of sleep

Signs that your gut is healthy include regular pain-free bowel movements, consistent energy, having a clear head and healthy reactions to stress, balanced hormones and clear skin. You’re able to fight off colds or infections and you don’t have any adverse reactions to food. 

We’re here to support you and your gut health, the natural way. 

Best probiotics for your gut health

Comparison between our superior product and the other leading liquid probiotics or tablets.

Why microbz?

Because our probiotic is diverse.

Diversity is key to your gut health. Our probiotics have 15 strains making it a broad spectrum probiotic, with billions of beneficial microbes in every shot.

50 minerals and herbal ingredients

Slippery Elm


A medium sized tree growing to 20m (65ft) in height. The branches range in colour from red through to orange and brown, growing in a downward direction. The clusters of dense, stalkless flowers are predominantly red in colour. The bark has a slight but distinct odour. The bast or inner bark is traditionally sold in flat pieces 2-3 ft (60cm-1m) in length.

herbal benefits

Demulcent, emollient and nutrient.

Agar Agar


A jelly like substance, usually a pale yellow / orange with tones of gray in colour and found in bundles of thin membranous acgutinated strips. It is a dried hydrophilic colloidal substance.

herbal benefits

Digestive aid, laxative, bone health and brain health



Parasitic fungi on birch and other trees. Generally black in colour and not fruit forming in the initial stages. The chaga spores attack weakened wounds of a tree and penetrate causing a white rot. The fruiting only begins when a portion of the tree has been killed by the white rot underneath the bark.


Anti-viral, anti-microbial, anti-cancer, anti-hyperglycemic, cardioprotective, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, immune modulator.



An annual plant which produces a radish like root. The top is a mat like stem of up to twenty scalloped leaves. The root of the maca is typically dried and stored, and is easily kept for at least seven years.


Anti-fatigue, immunostimulant, aphrodisiac, steroidal, nutritive tonic and adaptogen.

Barley Grass


The grass is the leaf portion of the barley plant (the whole plant growing to 1m or 3ft in height) that remains after the seeds have been removed.


Anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, immunostimmulant, digestive, circulatory stimulant.

FAQ for 90 day gut reboot

Ask our nutritionist

I have been a complementary therapist for 30 years trained in holistic, multi-disciplinary approaches of health and wellbeing for all ages. From the start, nutrition and working with nature has been my foundation and 13 years ago I discovered the wonderful world of our microbiome and beneficial microbes which brings it all together and connects us to everything and which I am passionate about. 


Zara Kirk ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐