Ask our nutritionist
Zara Kirk
Nutritionist and wellbeing advisor
I am Microbiome and Nutrition consultant for Microbz. I have been a complementary therapist for 30 years. My foundation is Nutrition and amongst other therapies, I am also trained as a Herbalist. I discovered the wonderful world of our microbiome 13 years ago and, soon after, Microbz. As I am passionate about beneficial microbes and a holistic approach it is a perfect match. It is a pleasure to answer your questions about the products and steps to take on your wellbeing journey. When we work together with nature we can accomplish anything.

Here are some questions Zara has been asked
Are your probiotics safe to use for a 6 month old baby? She has cerebral palsy and is fed cows milk through a tube
Yes it would figure that the cows milk is increasing mucus production. I would ask to be changed to a goat formula and I have known parents who have been able to have the go ahead to source an organic wholesome version. Beneficial microbes/probiotics are definitely good to give through the tube to support all the functions in the body and build the very young immune system - the kids probiotic. I am not a medical herbalist and so I would not be able to say definitively at what age or how much would be safe with cerebral palsy. I would advise you to seek the advice of a medical herbalist too.
Which Vitamin D supplement - D2 or D3 - is best to take?
There is a crucial difference between D2 and D3 and in my opinion we should choose D3. Many sites state that fortified cereals and milks are a good source. I do not recommend these as they usually contain D2 which, although originally from yeast or fungus, often goes through a lot of processing and is a form that your body does not use so well. It can be calcifying in an unhelpful way especially if a person tends to be over acidic. You will see articles for and against D2 but from my research I would definately prefer the foodstate D3. It is more effective at increasing levels of 25OHD which convert to calcitriol, responsible for calcium regulation. In short we need: Sunshine ensuring your face, forearms and ideally a portion of your legs are exposed to sunlight without suncream for 15 minutes per day during summer months. This can help to build vitamin D levels. Also helpful are: the yolks of eggs, sustainably sourced and non farmed fatty fish, and whole preferably unpasteurised dairy if not vegan, a variety of mushrooms and supplementation with foodstate D3.
My daughter is 6 and has recurring bladder infections treated with antibiotics. Would the microbes be safe to use for her?
It is always good to check out potential supplementation and I can assure you that I would definitely recommend the kids probiotic from micobz for children, for your daughter. This is to counteract the effects of taking many antibiotics, which deplete the natural diversity of microbes and weaken the immune system. I would also recommend D-mannose plus from Cytoplan which is tasteless and a powder to mix into water or juice to help with the UTIs.
My baby is suffering from colic can you would advise me on the dosage and usage for her?
There can be different reasons for colic. For example it can be wind, sometimes babies swallow a lot of air when feeding (be sure to rub her back after feeding). It can come from tensions in the gut and can even come from tensions in the head from birth (cranial osteopathy is good for this). It can also depend on what you have eaten, and in very rare cases it can be from a lactose intolerance. Sometimes all is well but they still seem to show symptoms of colic. I have had 4 children and they all suffered with colic for different reasons. Making sure the environment is relaxing and gently massaging her tummy may help too. Did she have a natural birth or caesarean? If it was caesarean then she may not have all the beneficial microbes but breast feeding is absolutely a fabulous way to introduce these as is lots of close contact with you. If she had any antibiotics at birth or it was a caesarean then you can put some microbz kids in water to give her on a teaspoon otherwise when she starts taking some solid food between 4 and 6 months you can introduce the drink to her. Until then breast milk changes to suit your individual baby and is the ideal food/drink for her to be ingesting. She is so young that at this stage I would recommend that you take the microbz probiotic: revive, sustain or womens and you can also introduce other well produced fermented foods into your diet so that you are increasing your quota. You could put a bit on the nipple before feeding. You can clean the things she will start holding and chewing on with the microbz cleaner too, though the cleaner has quite a strong smell, but definitely good for the whole house!
Which product do you recommend for someone suffering and recovering from Guillian barre syndrome?
Thankfully it is a condition which will get better but in the meantime it is very good to support recovery and strengthen the whole immune system. You are right that looking at gut microbiome is the first thing to do to strengthen the immune system.
For a child I would recommend microbz kids and for an adult (over 12) microbz revive or sustain.
Ensure their diet includes a good amount of vegetables if this is possible as they help the beneficial microbes live well in the gut. Inulin is a vegetable fibre which acts as a prebiotic food for the beneficial microbes. I also suggest looking into a Beta-D-Glucan supplement and tumeric/curcumin. Beta-D-Glucans has been shown to modulate and strengthen the immune system but does not over stimulate it and a good tumeric/curcumin supplement will help with the excess inflammation that occurs when the immune system is out of balance. Also it is important to make sure to get enough Vitamin C and D3 .
Does your Bio-Live product contain vitamins?
All the extra ingredients added to the microbz brews are mostly for the nourishment of the microbes while they are fermenting. What is left is nourishing for us and absorbable, and contains very very small amounts of quantifiable minerals and vitamins. You would be getting more from the action of the microbes themselves within the gut and this is an immensely powerful health benefit. So you can see it as a vital nourishing drink but not a vitamin or mineral supplement.
My skin has transformed from crystal clear to a disaster. Do you think boosting my immune system, helping my gut and improving my hormone balance would help my skin? If so, which product would you suggest?
It is actually very common for this sort of thing to happen with a change of life and change of city or country. The number one aspect is stress. Even though you can be happy and excited about your new life the changes do create a stress in the body because it has to adjust to new things all around. As I am sure you are aware, your skin is an organ and for some people it is the organ which the body chooses to use as its vent for stress and any changes in diet or body function. There are so many factors which affect it. More sunshine and heat can draw toxins out of the body through the skin, so there could be an aspect of this which although distressing is positive in the long run. You are right to think about the gut and immune system. This is the first area to be effected by any stresses. Yes a microbz product will greatly assist in rebalancing. Your microbiome will have been knocked by mental and emotional stress and change of water, air and diet and indeed having a completely different national microbial environment around you. Some people can be more sensitive to this than others.
I would recommend microbz revive, sustain or women along with a plant based diet. But it will take some time for your own microbiome to adjust and find its balance. Definitely filter your water for drinking and bathing. The microbiome of the skin itself which is different to the gut also needs time to adjust.
I've just returned from a trip to Indonesia. I had fever, aches, runny nose and then a stomach upset and bronchial constriction. What should I take?
Very sorry to hear of your troubles. Sounds like you picked up a bug there and yes a microbz revive will definitely be wise to take even if you are feeling recovered by now - which I hope your are - as your microbiome will have taken a hit and the probiotic will help to resettle this and strengthen the immune system, which was probably under stress from the trip and complexities you were dealing with.
My friend has cancer and is having chemo. She wants to replace the good microbes in her gut as quickly as she can. Which bottle of microbz should she use?
She is certainly correct in wanting to support her microbiome. Start with microbz revive and then move onto microbz sustain, or indeed the womens one are all good, along with a good plant rich diet. If her condition is hormone related I would recommend the womens one.
Is there anything counterproductive with your products and chemotherapy?
I would recommend the microbz probiotics along with a supportive plant rich diet. Definitely a must to support the gut and immune system and not counterproductive.
Is Hashimotos connected to leaky gut?
Yes, we find the gut is most often at the root of the majority of conditions.
Best to go for a diet rich in vital healthy plant foods which are rich in their own enzymes to help their digestion and also help support the re-colonisation of the gut with beneficial microbes. Re-balancing takes times. If you are not vegetarian I also recommend an approved 100% organic bone broth protein powder to take as a drink (they come in plain, chocolate or vanilla the ones I supply from Organixx) or you can make your own, but that does take hours. It has an incredibly healing effect on the gut lining and this is what you want to repair to stop a leaky gut. As it heals it also then starts to be able to create a welcoming environment for the beneficial microbes to inhabit.
Is it possible that my body is getting used to the probiotic and so I don't see as much benefit? Is it possible that I need to try a different type?
The body doesn't get 'used to' beneficial microbes and then stop using them, they are something that the body requires to work with all the time and with today's environment we live in and our lifestyles they tend to need replenishing constantly. To re-populate the large intestine it is harder than the small intestine as they have to survive for longer and are required in larger numbers to colonate the many layers of the epithelium of this part provided they are given the right diet to do this (and this is vital). The small intestine is easier as there is only one layer to effect and what we take arrives there quickly. So there is a quicker help with digestion here. Bio-live is formulated to survive the acid in the stomach but there will be some die-off as it passes along the whole tract. There are many factors involved in how well your body uses the microbes through out your digestive tract. Gluten intolerance if not celiac related is brought on by a compromised gut lining the causes of which can be many, together with the types of grains we consume nowadays. If Bio-Live helped but now doesn't I would suggest that initially it was soothing the symptoms and helping initial digestion, but that now the underlying cause of the intolerance is still there and coming through or being exacerbated by something else. Do keep up with the microbz probiotic and women's could be a good one to try if you are also experiencing hormonal issues. There may well be a connection here but that would require a personal consultation to delve deeper.
Can I ask what is in the kids probiotic? Do you know anything about chondroitin sulfate please?
Chondroitin sulfate is often recommended for inflammation in the joints, arthritis, cartilage and tissue conditions. The source of it is important and I definitely think if taken as part of a whole food it has a quicker effect than a manufactured supplement. It does however either way take a while for the body to absorb and use it. If you are not vegetarian or vegan it is much easier to incorporate this into the diet. Bone broth is the easiest way and I can recommend a good organic one if you don't make your own. As everyone is individual some have great results with getting more of this in their diets than others. If the reason for your interest is for a condition which has inflammation at its root then addressing the cause of that is paramount too. Certainly restoring the microbiome is an important part of this and our probiotics will be a good start.
I've discovered that I have diverticulosis (symptom of which is diahorria) what should I take?
With diverticulosis there is a risk of toxic build up and it is very important to have a constant intake of beneficial microbes. It is much more difficult to effect the microbes in the large intestine than in the small intestine and larger quantities are required so I would double your dosage. Most important with diverticulitis is diet and exercise. If you are a meat eater there could be a build up of residue which would be good to detox. A gentle gut cleanse would be advisable, and then a focus on supporting the gut lining. A very plant rich varied diet is advisable but needs to be personally tailored.
Can you recommend the best thing to bolster my immune system?
Sorry to hear of your distressing symptoms. These are symptoms of an underlying depletion in your whole system and build up of toxins. I would need to recommend a phone or person to person consultation with you in order to address all this properly. Please do get in touch if you feel to. In the meantime I do recommend starting on the microbz probiotics and looking at writing your own case history of symptoms and keeping a food and lifestyle diary for a couple of weeks. This is useful to get a sense of the wider picture of your health and where changes can be made to support you. Definitely they are all things that can be addressed successfully, to bring you relief and wellbeing, but it does take some time to restore health properly and your body is definitely calling you to action.
What is the CFU of microbz probiotics?
Thanks for your question. We don't put the exact numbers on the bottles because this is not a lab-produced product, it is naturally brewed, and even though this is to a strict recipe and in controlled conditions it is not possible to control exactly how the microbes decide to multiply. In previous analysis, we could roughly see there were about 5 billion per dose but we can't state that as it will be variable a bit on either side of that. In addition to that, the exact numbers don't matter as much as the quality and diversity. The most important thing is that they survive in the digestive system and that they are welcomed by a good diet with plenty of fruit and veg fiber and good quality filtered water. Then they can do their thing and colonise to your own body's requirements.
Should I be consuming live cultures if I have SIBO?
Yes absolutely you should be consuming live cultures. In order for microbial balance to be restored you need the good guys in there.
Make sure that they are good quality and combined with a diet suited to yourself and your particular symptoms. This diet would be free of refined sugar and processed food, and full of fresh fruit and veg. Good filtered water is also important. So I do recommend the microbz products. Do get in touch if you need some help choosing which one, but have a good read of them and see which suits you best. Microbz Sustain is a great all rounder but for example if you wanted to also balance hormones then microbz women is also a good choice.
Would you recommend microbz for a fussy 5 year old with constipation who doesn't eat vegetables?
Constipation is a common condition for children and adults in our world of readily available processed foods. I would recommend microbz Kids which you can put in organic apple juice at room temperature. Pure Aloe Vera juice mixed into some apple juice is also really good for gut motility. Does she like fruit? If so, just make sure she is getting a good quantity of that and don't give the option for processed foods. Being fussy at that age is common for a number of reasons. Try to persevere with only the healthy options being available and aim to remove the emotion around food. I know that can be hard because as a parent we just want them to thrive and enjoy their food! A child will not readily starve itself and if she or he can only choose something healthy from the table they will work it out.
Can I take microbz if I am due to have surgery or if I am doing chemotherapy?
You can indeed take microbz alongside any antibiotics and chemotherapy.
Of course it will knock out some of the beneficial microbes but research has found that side effects from both are much reduced and bounce back is faster when the microbiome is supported all the way through. Just aim to take microbz at a separate time to the antibiotics and perhaps not on the actual day but the day after the chemo.
Of course you must be guided by how you are feeling too, and take things step by step.
In other countries it has long been standard to offer both together.
Which microbz product is best to support chronic fatigue syndrome?
There can be many underlying reasons for chornic fatigue syndrome but the gut is a fundamental place to start. Not only is a healthy gut the foundation of a good immune system but if nutrient absorption is not optimum from there, the body would find it hard to correct any deficiencies.
If you have a history of digestive issues I would recommend some repair by taking microbz Revive first, for 1 or 2 months depending on how it is, and then moving onto microbz Sustain for regular maintenance. If there are no digestive issues then you could start with microbz Sustain.
Which probiotic would you recommend for chronic rhinosinusitis and COPD?
While I can't guarantee a microbz product will cure the Rhinosinusitis, I can say that good gut health is the foundation of 90% of our health and so starting there is a great thing to do.
All the beneficial microbes in our body play a role in all its systems including the mucous membranes.
If there was any link with allergy to this then strengthening the immune system with microbz is also beneficial. Netti pots can also help, especially to soothe or decongest, and you can put a little of the microbz in with the water too.
I highly recommend the book Breath by James Nestor - these things can be changed at any age.
Which supplement is best for my 15 year old daughter who has ADHD, doesn't sleep well and has bad wind?
Microbz Sleep is a good choice for her.
It contains the same foundation of beneficial microbes and the added herbs may assist in relaxing her nervous system before sleep.
Beneficial microbes are something which have been shown to bring some equilibrium with ADHD in many as there can be a gut connection. Of course everyone is individual with different aspects contributing and wind is a sign of disturbed digestion so beneficial there as well.
Always good to re-look at diet to make sure it is really suiting you both as well. Lots of fruit and veg fibre is really good for the beneficial microbes.
Is microbz suitable for diabetics?
Yes, Microbz ranges are fine for diabetics.
Do take separately from medication though as the medication can affect the microbes if taken together.
In the fermentation process, all sugars are used up and so you are left with just the beneficial microbes and herbs depending on which you choose.
If you're looking for simply the beneficial microbes, microbz Simple has no herbs and can be used for yourself, family, home and pets. For the others please take time to read about them and choose ones which seem most suited to you.
Can probiotics help with alopecia?
All skin conditions can be a symptom of dysbiosis in the gut and organs, so supporting the rebalancing of your gut microbiome with beneficial microbes is definitely a great approach. Also your skin microbiome is important to support.
It is of the utmost importance to have a good community of different strains of bacteria in your supplement rather than picking out individual ones, as all the power of the microbiome comes from this wonderful communication between the strains which then go on to create a biome which is unique to you.
So do have a read over the products and choose one which you feel relates to you best.
It is also important to avoid harsh skin products. All microbes are sensitive to dietary and lifestyle influences and changes such as stress and chemicals, so a whole lifestyle approach can be really supportive.
Can Microbz help with Barrett oespophagus? And should it be taken with olive oil or diluted with something else?
We have feedback that microbz is very helpful for acid reflux. In particular our Revive product is very good for supporting renewal of the gut lining of which the oesophagus is part.
Regarding diluting microbz, yes you can put microbz into other things but I would not recommend taking it with olive oil as olive oil has a type of acidity with burns when taken neat. Microbz has an acidity level to ensure the microbes survive stomach acid but it is not acidic in the same way and so does not burn, and the beneficial microbes within it will be beneficial from the moment they are in your mouth all the way down.
If you did find it uncomfortable you could dilute it in filtered water (water with chlorine is not recommended) or spring water, or apple juice if you can tolerate that. Or yogurt.
What does microbz taste like? Is it flavourless?
No it is not flavourless. It's a tiny bit sour. For children, the best way I suggest to take it is added to room temperature apple juice.
The most important thing is that whatever drink/smoothie you add microbz to it is room temperature and natural, no added white sugar and not too acidic.Then any taste will disappear.
Do the microbes kill off the herbs in microbz products?
No probiotics do not kill off herbs. During the brewing of the beneficial microbes we ferment the herbs with the microbes.
With the herbs and minerals and other ingredients the microbes are energised by them and the energy (in a homeopathic way) and some nutrients of the herbs are enhanced and remain in the final brew. You will definitely have enjoyed the benefits of both.
I have problems with recurrent vaginal yeast infections. Is microbz Women something I can take continuously every day to help maintain good vaginal health? Will this help maintain my ph balance or can this affect my ph balance?
Yes I think microbz Women is a good choice - its good to focus on the health of the whole gut and hormonal balance as everything in the body is linked. Also helpful is a diet to minimise over-growth and caprylic acid from coconuts is particularly good against candida over-growth.
You can take microbz orally, but you can also swab the vagina with it and as this is a slightly acidic environment for most of the month that's fine regarding the ph balance.
Make sure you are wearing natural fibres and very gentle natural products and also filtering your drinking water.
I am a 52 perimenopausal sufferer with IBS and histamine sensitivity. I eat a healthy diet but would I benefit from microbz Revive and could it stop me getting bloated flare ups?
With anything gut related yes the microbiome is key but also a multi level approach with diet and lifestyle is important to turn things around and work with the body's needs.
I would definitely recommend starting with microbz Revive, and then microbz Women will be good to follow that to support hormone balance and the gut after 1 or 2 bottles of the Revive.
To aid healing it's definitely best to avoid those foods which trigger symptoms - when the whole gut is stronger then those foods can be re-introduced if they are healthy and of benefit to you. You want to be thinking of creating the best environment for the biome through your diet, so providing all the probiotics and enzymes through a good variety of fruits and veg - but more veg focused in the winter. The gut then gets to work on repairing and providing nutrients, plus optimising functions throughout the body. Water quality is important too.
Which product would be the best for acid reflux high cholesterol?
First I would recommend Revive to deal with the acid reflux. There can be various reasons for this from anatomical to timing of foods and of course types of foods but Revive will soothe the linings and reduce inflammation as well as support the gut in general so a good place to start. Then move on to liver support with the microbz Detox product, but you'll see improvements mainly through diet and lifestyle for reducing your cholesterol.
When I've finished my first bottle of Revive, should I do a second month and then switch to Sustain or or go for it now? This has made a tremendous difference to me.
I am so glad to hear you are feeling a big difference from just a month on the Revive.
Hard for me to say without more detail but it's really for you to gauge from how you feel. If you feel there is more repair to do then by all means go for a second month on Revive, otherwise try the Sustain and you can always return to Revive for a boost later on.
Which product can I take during pregnancy that is safe?
Microbz Women, Kids and Simple are all good, throughout pregnancy and during breastfeeding.
Which microbz product is best for sleep and anxiety?
I would recommend taking microbz Sleep in the evening an hour or two before bed and after dinner. There is a strong correlation between the gut and anxiety so supporting the gut is good.
Bach flower remedies are also good - a few drops in water - eg mimulus for known fears, and white chestnut for thoughts going round and round.
Would you advise probiotics for a 19 month old with sickness and diarrhoea?
Yes a 19 month old can take the microbz Kids.
It's good if there have been antibiotics and for strengthening the gut and immune system. Just start with a half dose while the child is unwell to gauge how he/she responds, then you can work up to the full dose if all is good. You can mix the probiotic into room temp juice or water.
What is the most suitable product from your Microbz range for my 5 year old grandson who has been taking antibiotics?
Definitely microbz Kids. You can take the probiotic at the same time as the antibiotics to mitigate some of the side effects. As well as after you finish the course. Microbz Kids can be mixed with room temperature apple juice if that's helpful for taste.
How much of each bacteria strain is in your recommended dose of Microbz Kids? And please can you share any studies on the strains used?
Our products are natural, based on EM (effective microorganisms) and fermented by hand. They are not created in a lab so we do not control the exact amounts of strains in each bottle. As such, they are more like a food product, based on nature with variable quantities of strains. Every batch and the mother starter are tested to ensure quality.
In the human body each microbiome is completely individual and when probiotics are ingested the beneficial microbes and the gut get to work establishing themselves in the ratios which are needed/in direct relationship with the individual. So there are always variables. The beauty of having a diverse range of beneficial microbes is that is how they work in nature and they work as a community. No microbe is at its best individualised on its own and if one observes an individual microbe alone it functions differently to how it behaves within a helathy diverse, synergistic community.
In children the microbiome is being established, and it is extremely beneficial to be exposed to a wide range of microbial life so that the strains can pick and choose how they will establish their own community. Micbobz Kids supports this vital process of building a diverse microbiome.
There are many studies out there. It's an incredible world, but the work of understanding microbes is very young compared to its complexity which may never be fully understood; its scope is way beyond the history of humans, and so no study is definitive.
Our FAQ page may be of interest https://microbz.co.uk/faqs/.
What is the CFU per dose in microbz Simple?
Microbz is a live fermented product, more like a food. It has not been created in a laboratory where each microbe is counted. Our analysis shows that there are approximately 5 billion in each dose but we don't and can't state exactly for each dose as they are all hand brewed and vary.
The exact count is not the most important aspect of microbz products. You can have a lab product with say 10 billion CFU but they are encapsulated and need to be reactivated within the gut and survive which can be hit or miss. Microbz starts alive and is brewed to survive stomach acid and the gut doesn't have to digest a capsule as it's in liquid form so you are off to a good start. It is our belief that it is the combination of diverse strains of beneficial microbes that support a healthy body.
The next important part is to support the microbes with good plant fibre rich food and a happy lifestyle. Then your body will work with the product in the way it needs to, as everybody's gut is unique and responds.
I am a woman in my mid twenties and struggling with energy during the winter. I've been taking microbz Sustain but would microbz Resilience be better?
microbz Resilience is good for boosting the immune system short term if one feels prone to bugs. Microbz Women might be better long term to support energy. I suggest finishing the bottle of Sustain that you have, taking Resilience for a month when you feel under the weather and then going on to microbz Women. Looking at diet and lifestyle is paramount too, as is limiting use of digital technology especially at night. It is always good practice to try and create a wifi and phone free enviornment for sleep as these do interfere with sleep quality (and therefore the gut biome) and will gradually affect energy levels and resilience.
Should I change my probiotic, or switch between microbz ranges so I don't always get the same gut bacteria?
If you were only taking one or two strains of bacteria, as with some probiotics, that may be good advice. But microbz is a multistrain probiotic - so you are getting a whole community of soil based strains of microbes and your gut will take what it requires and create its own environment. The biome is quite an amazing thing. If it it is exposed to a variety of strains it won't just become those strains. Your biome is totally individual and will even be able to diversify within itself without being given new specific strains. It is constantly changing. Most important thing is a good diet to support your own biome and reducing stressors in life. So if a particular microbz product, for example Sustain, is working for you do stay with it, and if at some point you feel you would like to change the herbal focus that is also great but not essential.
What quantity of Magnesium there is in 15ml of microbz Women please?
I cannot be specific but it would be tiny in a 15ml dose - not more than 10-20mg - so you are fine to add other supplements to your diet if you feel the need to.
Microbz is a live fermented brew with a foundation of effective micro-organisms and then added herbs and minerals. These benefit both the microbes and us in small quantities, to feed the microbes and to nudge our bodies, through the signature of the ingredients which the microbes pick up, to re-balance and absorb nutrients more effectively. We then need to ingest more nutrients through our diets, though a really healthy biome also makes nutrients for us. So it is a different angle to specific mineral and vitamin supplements which aim instead to replace what is lacking in the diet and absorption and which are lab tested for exact amounts. The exact quantity varies between microbz batches.

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