For recovery after working out

Fitness probiotic

The microbiome controls immune function, inflammation, digestive health and the ability of the body to metabolise energy. This combination of 15 strains of beneficial microbes and traditional herbs, minerals and electrolytes can help to support the body to increase stamina during physical activity and repair muscles afterward.


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your probiotic daily routine

1 spoon 15 ml of our liquid probiotics is needed each day for your gut health

step 1

Take a 15ml tablespoon of Fitness probiotic every morning before you have breakfast

a droplet shape with all 15 strains of probiotics for your gut health, cleaning, pets and garden

step 2

Delivers billions of living bacteria to your gut. Brewed to 3.2ph to survive stomach acid

microbe biome with in your gut

step 3

Say goodbye to gut discomfort and hello to a healthier you with Microbz.

Why choose Fitness probiotic?

Because it is diverse.

Diversity is key to your gut health. Our probiotics have 15 strains making it a broad spectrum probiotic, with billions of beneficial microbes in every shot.

droplet shape containing all 15 strains of microbes in all of microbz probiotics

It’s liquid

So your body absorbs it better and more live bacteria reach the lower part of your gut, ready to get busy.

board with herbs and minerals used within microbes blend of soild based probiotics

It's blended

Our probiotics are fermented with traditional herbs and minerals to reduce your inflammation and support your immunity. The herbs and minerals give the microbes what they need to create health, and the microbes help you absorb their goodness.

herbal ingredients



A creeping, perenial with hairy rhizomes, with both sterile and fertile hollow, jointed stems that are impregnated with silica in the longitudinal groves. The fertile stems are brown and shorter than the sterile stems and die off after spore dispersal. the cones are 10-40mm long. The sterile stems are green with between 6-19 sheaths. The branches arrange themselves in whorls. The whole plant dies back in winter.


Astringent, Anti-haemorrhagic, Diuretic

Gota Kola


A small low creeping herbaceous plant with rounded simple green leaves and inconspicuous small white to purplish-pink flowers.


Immune enhancing, anti-viral, anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor, laxative, stimulate bile secretion, wound healing

Siberian Ginseng


A hardy, deciduous shrub growing (at a slow rate) to 2m (6ft 7in) in height. Containing both male and female organs (hermaphrodite). Flowers in July in umbrella-like clusters varying in colour from light violet to yellow. Berry-like oval fruit. Bright green leaves 12-15cm long. The root is long, woody and pliable.


Adaptogen and immunostimulant.



Classified as a shrub but can look like a tree. The dark green leaves are compound and serrated with multitudes of fragrant tiny white flowers. The flowers develop into shiny, dark purple berries in late summer.


Anti-catarrhal, anti-viral, anti-oxidant, immune modulator and diaphoretic.



Ask our nutritionist

I have been a complementary therapist for 30 years trained in holistic, multi-disciplinary approaches of health and wellbeing for all ages. From the start, nutrition and working with nature has been my foundation and 13 years ago I discovered the wonderful world of our microbiome and beneficial microbes which brings it all together and connects us to everything and which I am passionate about. 


Zara Kirk ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

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