To aid healthy airways and lungs

Breathe probiotic

Is your breathing or respiration a health challenges for you?

We designed this multi-strain culture to support your respiratory system. It contains billions of living microbes and herbs including peppermint and liquorice root designed to aid your airways and lungs.

  • tick Designed to calm inflammation in your lungs, airways, and sinuses
  • tick Contains 15 diverse strains of living microbes
  • tick Fermented with herbs including peppermint, liquorice root, and marshmallow
  • tick Can support the removal of mucus
  • tick Liquid form for better absorption and brewed to 3.2pH to survive stomach acid
  • tick Bottle is 100% recycled plastic and natural cap can be recycled

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3 steps to take your microbes

1 spoon 15 ml of our liquid probiotics is needed each day for your gut health

step 1

Take a 15ml tablespoon of Breathe probiotic every morning before you have breakfast

a droplet shape with all 15 strains of probiotics for your gut health, cleaning, pets and garden

step 2

Delivers billions of living bacteria to your gut. Brewed to 3.2ph to survive stomach acid

microbe biome with in your gut

step 3

Say goodbye to gut discomfort and hello to a healthier you with Microbz.

Katie Allen in a blanket holding a cup of chamomile tea with immunity probiotic

How are the microbes in your gut connected to your lungs? 

The connection between the microbiome and the respiratory system is a fascinating and evolving area of research, primarily understood through the gut-lung axis

The health of the gut microbiome can influence respiratory health, and vice versa. The gut and lungs share a close connection through the immune system. Microbes in the gut produce metabolites like short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) and signalling proteins, which can modulate immune responses. These metabolites travel through the bloodstream, impacting the lungs' immune defences.

A diverse gut microbiome can reduce the risk of respiratory conditions like asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and respiratory infections. 

The lungs also have their own microbiome which is in communication with the microbes in the gut;  changes in this have been linked to diseases like pneumonia and bronchitis.

Everything is connected! We often think of the body in separate parts; the lungs, heart, brain, liver but they are all connected and in relationship to each other. By supporting a healthy microbiome through a balanced diet, probiotics, and lifestyle choices, we can help maintain both gut and respiratory health, underlining the interconnectedness of our body's systems. 

Best probiotic for your lungs and respiratory system

probiotics for women comparison table

Why microbz?

Because our probiotic is diverse.

Diversity is key to your gut health and female flora. Our probiotics have 15 strains making it a broad spectrum probiotic, with billions of beneficial microbes in every shot.

17 minerals and herbal ingredients



A perennial herb growing to approximately 50cm (1ft 8in) in height with quadrangular stems. Leaves are dark green, slightly paler on the underside, ovate – lanceolate in shape and opposites. The flowers are pinkish/mauve in colour, tubular with four lobes. It rarely produces seeds and is a hybrid species from Mentha spicata and Mentha aquatica.

herbal benefits

Carminative, anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic, aromatic, diaphoretic, anti-emetic, nervine, anti-microbial and analgesic.



A hardy perennial growing to 1.5m (4.6ft) in height. Leaves are elliptical in shape, green in colour and sticky on the underside. The clusters of blue-violet flowers are plentiful. Fruit up to 2cm long. The root system is comprised of taproots, branch rootstock and runners. Long cylindrical roots 14-20m in length and 5-20mm in diameter with a yellow coloured interior. In the fourth year of growth the roots are harvested, washed and dried.

herbal benefits

Adaptogen, adrenal restorative, expectorant, anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic, anti-tussive, demulcent, mild laxative, hypertensive, oestrogenic. Topically: anti-viral and acne.



Velvety perennial that can grow up to 2.2m. The roots are thick, tough and long, whitish yellow outside, whilst white and fibrous within. The leaves are ovate-cordate and 2-3 inches in length with pink flowers that bloom during August and September. The flowers are followed by flat round fruit commonly called ‘cheeses’.


Leaf and root: demulcent-mucilage, emollient-mucilage and diuretic. Root also vulnerably. Leaf also expectorant.



The whole plant is downy and grows stout and erect to 1.50m (4-5ft), in height. The leaves are large, ovate and pointed, velvety underneath with toothed margins.Those on the stem become shorter and broader. The bright yellow flowers in large terminal heads on long stalks resemble a sunflower. After the flowers have fallen the fruit becomes visible, quadrangular in shape and crowned by a ring of reddish hairs. The perennial root is large and succulent, spindle in shape, brown in colour and aromatic.


Stimulating expectorant-sesquiterpene lactones, diaphoretic, warming, anti-tussive, anti-bacterial, antiseptic, anti-spasmodic to the respiratory tract and digestive tonic. The individual constituents of Inula the lactones are antibiotic, anti-viral and anti-fungal (in vitro). They are considered to have both anti-inflammatory and immunostimulant properties.



A perennial woody garden herb growing up to 30cm (1ft) in height. Thyme is an aromatic, delicate herb covered in short hairs. The grey/green leaves are opposites with bountiful oil globules. The tiny, bell shaped flowers are pink-light purple in colour. Nutlets are dark brown.


Anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-tussive, expectorant, antiseptic, carminative, spasmolytic, bitter tonic, astringent and anthelmintic.

FAQ for Breathe probiotic

Ask our nutritionist

I have been a complementary therapist for 30 years trained in holistic, multi-disciplinary approaches of health and wellbeing for all ages. From the start, nutrition and working with nature has been my foundation and 13 years ago I discovered the wonderful world of our microbiome and beneficial microbes which brings it all together and connects us to everything and which I am passionate about. 


Zara Kirk ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐