For restful sleep & calm nervous system

Sleep probiotic

Sleep is essential for recovery, renewal and rebalance.

Our probiotics for sleep will help support your sleep with this multi strain culture containing billions of living microbes with oat straw and valerian to help your body to rest and restore.

  • tick Designed to support the body to drift off to a restful sleep
  • tick Designed to calm your nervous system
  • tick Contains 15 diverse strains of living microbes that can improve your gut health
  • tick Fermented with 13 herbs and minerals including valerian and oat straw known for encouraging sleep and reducing stress
  • tick Can support the gut's circadian rhythm
  • tick Liquid form for better absorption and brewed to 3.2pH to survive stomach acid

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3 steps to take your microbes

1 spoon 15 ml of our liquid probiotics is needed each day for your gut health

step 1

Take a 15ml tablespoon of Sleep probiotic every morning before you have breakfast

a droplet shape with all 15 strains of probiotics for your gut health, cleaning, pets and garden

step 2

Delivers billions of living bacteria to your gut. Brewed to 3.2ph to survive stomach acid

microbe biome with in your gut

step 3

Say goodbye to gut discomfort and hello to a healthier you with Microbz.

Cosy image of feet with a cup of chamomile tea on the bed

How is your sleep connected to your gut health?

Research is beginning to show a direct correlation between gut health and circadian rhythms, which are our natural cycles relating to sleep. 

We are just beginning to understand that the microbes within our gut have their own microbial circadian rhythms. We know that poor sleep and disrupted circadian rhythms can lead to poor health and increases in obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer. 

We are now beginning to discover that the microbes in our intestines are being affected by and are affecting those very rhythms.

So everything that you do for your gut health - including taking a high-quality liquid probiotic - could also support good quality sleep and restoration. 

Best probiotics for your gut health

Our superior product compared to the other leading liquid probiotics. Ours is better on all aspects, cheaper, more strains, vegan, natural, no preservatives with herbs and minerals

Why microbz?

Because our probiotic is diverse.

Diversity is key to your gut health. Our probiotics have 15 strains making it a broad spectrum probiotic, with billions of beneficial microbes in every shot.

15 minerals and herbal ingredients



An annually cultivated plant growing up to 1.2m (4ft). Generally the stems are erect and the root system is fibrous. The spikelets contain three flowers, which in turn produce two seeds.

herbal benefits

Anti-depressant, nervine tonic, tonic and cardiotonic.



A spiny deciduous tree growing to approximately 8m (25ft) in height. The leaves are oblong and bluntly toothed, 2-6cm in length. Clusters of small greenish-yellow, 5 petalled flowers appear in spring. The fruit is a fleshy ovoid drupe or stone fruit, 1.5-2.5cm long, which is harvested when ripe – turning a dark reddish brown in early autumn. The fruit is very sour and contains a globular pit, the kernel (which is that part used in medicine); the fruits and skins are also said to have tonic and stomachic properties.

herbal benefits

Sedative, hypertensive, hypnotic and anti-hidrotic.

Passion Flower


The Passion flower is a sturdy, herbaceous rooted, woody-stemmed climbing perennial vine that grows in length to 10m (35ft). The three-lobed leaves are alternate, petiolate, and finely toothed. The yellow flowers are tinged with purple and a sweet fragrance. Each flower has five petals varying in colour from white to pale red. The ripe fruit is orange in colour and multi-seeded.


Anodyne, hypnotic and sedative.



A perennial herbaceous plant that grows to approximately 1m (3ft) in height. The stems are hollow and hairy at the base and branch out towards the top. Dark green leaves grow in four to eight pairs on each stem (simple, pinnately lobbed and opposite with hairy leaf veins on the under side). The flowers are white, lavender or pink with three stamen. The fruit is one seeded with rhizomes (ovid, cylindrical and light grey/brown in colour and smell like dirty socks when dried), roots (when fresh taste sweet, spicy and bitter) and with occasional stolons. These are gnarled and light grey/brown in colour. The rootlets have hollow centres.


Sedative, hypnotic, anti-spasmodic (muscles), hypotensive, carminative and nervine tonic.



FAQ for Sleep probiotic

Ask our nutritionist

I have been a complementary therapist for 30 years trained in holistic, multi-disciplinary approaches of health and wellbeing for all ages. From the start, nutrition and working with nature has been my foundation and 13 years ago I discovered the wonderful world of our microbiome and beneficial microbes which brings it all together and connects us to everything and which I am passionate about. 


Zara Kirk ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐