History of Thyme
Parts used from the Thyme
Leaves, harvested just before flowering.
Constituents (bio available chemicals):
Volatile oil: thymol 40%, carvacrol, cymol, borneol and linalool. Tannins. Bitters. Flavonoids. Triterpenoid saponins
Nutritional constituents:
Vitamins: B-complex, C and D. Minerals: rich in iodine, smaller amounts of other minerals vary.
Bronchitis, diarrhoea, enuresis, gastritis and tonsillitis.
Liquid extract (1:2): 15-40ml per week. Infusion: 1-4g 3 x daily.
British Herbal Pharmacopoeia
Whooping cough and bronchitis.
Cautions for therapeutic doses
Avoid during first and second trimester of pregnancy.