History of Barberry
Parts used from the Barberry
Root, root bark and stem bark.
Constituents (bio available chemicals):
Alkaloids: berberine, oxyacanthine, palmatine, berbamine. Chelidonic acid. Tannins. Wax. Resin.
Nutritional constituents:
Vitamin C. Minerals: Iron, copper, zinc and manganese.
Acne, arthritis, boils, cholecystitis, gastrointestinal catarrh, eczema, gallstones, gallbladder disorders, gout, jaundice, psoriasis, skin disorders topically, urticaria.
Liquid extract (1:2): 20-40ml per week. Decoction: 0.5-1gm 3 x daily.
British Herbal Pharmacopoeia
Cautions for therapeutic doses
Pregnancy, first trimester.