Your Question:
I am a 52 perimenopausal sufferer with IBS and histamine sensitivity. Iâve tried many brands of supplements but basically need to strengthen my gut. I do eat a healthy diet. Would I benefit from Bio-Live Revive and could it stop me getting bloated flare ups when reacting to foods please?Zara's Answer:
With anything gut related yes the microbiome is key but also a multi level approach with diet and lifestyle is important to turn things around and work with the body's needs.
I would definitely recommend starting with Bio-Live Revive, and then Bio-Live Women will be good to follow that, to support hormone balance and the gut after 1 or 2 bottles of the Revive.
To aid healing it's definitely best to avoid those foods which trigger symptoms - when the whole gut is stronger then those foods can be re-introduced if they are healthy and of benefit to you. You want to be thinking of creating the best environment for the biome through your diet, so providing all the probiotics and enzymes through a good variety of fruits and veg - but more veg focused in the winter. The gut then gets to work on repairing and providing nutrients, plus optimising functions throughout the body. Water quality is important too.