group of cows looking at camera

Adding microbes as an ingredient to animal feed

Effective microorganisms can be used as an ingredient in animal feed

microbz's fermentation broth for animal feed is made with beneficial microbes from the lactobacillus, bifidobacterium and saccharomyces families.

Other ways to use microbz on your farm

As well as the products that we sell we can also advise you about how you can use microbz in other areas of your agriculture.

Here are some ways microbes are used in Europe to support healthy agriculture.

cow lying down in a concrete building

microbz help clean your barn

The use of medication and disinfectants negatively affects the microbial community in animals’ environment. 

A lack of beneficial microbes in this environment encourages pathogens to multiply which can lead to the growth of pathogens and disease. 

Spraying regularly with our effective microorganisms suppresses the growth of putrefying bacteria.

The use of effective microbes in the stables and barns promotes the spread of beneficial microbes and prevents decay which is responsible for unpleasant smells. Organic acids in our microbial cultures neutralise and prevent gas emissions such as ammonia and nitrous oxide. An environment is created where flies can not multiply, meaning less stress to the animals and workers.


  • neutralisation of smells
  • less need for antibiotics and disinfectants
  • reduced stress on livestock
  • increased productivity

microbz can help your pigs

Intensive animal production systems can create issues of animal disease and smells due to manure accumulation. Microbes have been used to reduce health issues and smells and improve feed conversion efficiency. 

Antibiotic-free feeding is possible without increased losses


microbz can support your chickens

Just like humans, birds need certain bacteria such as Lacto­bacilli and Bifidobacteria for intestinal development.

Antibiotic-free feeding is possible without increased losses

group of cows

microbz can support your cows

High quality basic feed is a prerequisite for stable animal health. 

Through consistent slurry processing and grassland care the quality of basic feed can be increased. Effective microbes used in silage or hay making also has a number of advantages. 

Having a balanced gastrointestinal flora in an animal supports good digestion and a strong, healthy immune system.

Using effective microbes on pasture can increase clover production and reduce fertiliser inputs whilst maintaining pasture production levels and reducing nitrogen leaching.