Use 100% natural probiotics to enhance manures, slurry and silage

Do you have a pile of manure? Do you want to transform it into good quality muck?

Using microbial probiotics can help turn the decomposition of your muck from putrefied matter to fermented matter that retains nitrogen.

Ways to use microbz on your farm

As well as the products that we sell we can also advise you about how you can use microbz in other areas of your agriculture.

Here are some ways microbes are used in Europe to support healthy agriculture.

large pile of compost

microbz in your manure

Microbes naturally decompose manure and help it to go through a fermentation process, which reduces rotting and the unpleasant odours associated with this. Microbes enable the manure to ferment anaerobically, preventing oxidation and rotting. This reduces mould and fly infestation. Fly’s and roundworms do not use manure treated with microbes as a breeding ground. 

Due to the microbes “pre-digestion” during storage, soil can absorb the manure rapidly and convert the organic compounds into hummus. The result is healthier, more fertile soil, with better water and nutrient retention.

The benefits

  • production of high quality enzymes
  • reduction of bad odours
  • less mould and pathogenic bacteria
  • fewer flies and roundworms
  • treated manure is more easily absorbed by the soil
tractor in a field

microbz help your slurry

Treating your slurry with microbes neutralises smells and activates organisms in the soil. Other benefits of using microbes in slurry include a reduction in nitrogen losses and an increased fertilising effect. The treated slurry can be applied to growing crops and does not need to be applied in damp weather to minimise corrosivity. As the slurry can be applied in dry weather, leaching losses are minimal which means that maximum fertilising potential can be achieved.

Almost no floating layer is formed during slurry storage and it can be stirred easily with even distribution. High fertiliser value of the slurry due to the use of microbes can extend the period of use of slurry throughout the year and application rates can be reduced.

The benefits

  • reduction of methane emissions
  • increased retention of nitrogen
  • reduced odour and flies
  • boosts microbial activity in the soil
hand holding wheat

microbz makes silage better

Applying effective microbes to silage reduces pathogenic bacteria, harmful moulds and fungal development. 

They work to improve aerobic stability and so secondary fermentation is prevented. Substances are produced in the processes promoted by effective microbes that inhibit heating in the silage.

Effective microbes help release antioxidants and vitamins meaning the final silage is nutrient rich and high in energy. They also act as a preservative enabling silage to be stored for longer. Lactic acid bacteria, which is contained in the effective microbes, ferment sugars into lactic acid causing the pH to reduce to an optimal level which results in a more stable, less perishable silage.

The benefits

  • increased rate of grass fermentation
  • reduced fungal infection
  • lower mycotoxin levels
  • decreased dust
  • increased durability of silage
compost pile in a wooden structure

microbz for composting

In composting, microorganisms break down organic matter and produce carbon dioxide, water, and heat. The result is a richer soil that improves plant growth and health.

Lactic acid bacteria, yeast, and phototrophic bacteria contained in our cultures have the ability to ferment organic substances and prevent putrefaction. Microbes suppress putrefying bacteria and support fermentation. Therefore compost can be turned less often. 

After fermentation the resulting compost is rich in amino acids and polysaccharides. 

Microbes prevent the production of ammonia during protein decomposition, metabolising proteins in such a way that amino acids are produced instead. These amino acids are readily available for plant absorption.

Under normal circumstances carbon dioxide is formed and released during the composting process. But composting with microbes does not release as much carbon dioxide or generate as much heat, therefore retaining energy that is usually lost. This makes the compost very effective and more digestible to the soil.