Rooting for vegetables

Rooting for vegetables
We are proud to announce that our Microbz bio live cultures, Bio-Live Gold, Bio-Live Dark and Bio-Live GOO, have now been certified as safe for vegetarian and vegan diets. So, you can enjoy it along with a balanced diet to care for your microbiome – the community of trillions of microbes that live on and around you. You may have heard of ‘meat free Monday’, ‘meat reducers’ or ‘flexitarian’ referring to people, or movements, that encourage the reduction of meat eating. It is becoming a lot more common for people to eat less meat and more vegetables. Now 35 percent of people in Britain say that they are semi-vegetarian. They consume mostly fruit, vegetables and pulses and the occasional piece of meat or fish. And whilst some either don’t like many vegetables or feel like they couldn’t switch to this diet, being a vegetarian or including more fruit and vegetables in your diet, has many health benefits: Evidence suggests that the richer and more diverse the community of microbes in your gut the lower your risk of diseases. And diet is key to this diversity. Introducing more plant-based foods into your diet can be a brilliant way to enhance your digestive health and support your gut. Vegetables and fruit are a good gut gift and can improve your overall health and increase your consumption of: fibre, folic acid, vitamins C and E, and magnesium. When you have a well-planned vegetarian diet, you are introducing lots of fibre and nutrients to your gut from the variety of fruit and vegetables. Fibre is essential for a healthy gut and acts like a fertiliser for the good bacteria (microbes) that live in your gut. As the microbes consume the fibre, they produce compounds called short-chain fatty acids. These acids tell the large bowels to eat as much oxygen as they can, so the amount of oxygen being released into the intestine is decreased. Pathogenic bacteria like salmonella need oxygen to survive, so having less of it within the intestine is a good thing. The less oxygen, the more microbes will thrive. Fruit and vegetables also provide an excellent source of antioxidants. They are rich in good bacteria which supports the immune system, boosts the digestive system and reduces inflammation. The best type of vegetarian and vegan foods are those which are fermented: kimchi, sauerkraut, kombucha, tempeh and kefir. They create a more diverse microbial environment within your gut to support your microbiome. A vegetarian or vegan diet, or simply increasing the amount of vegetables and fruits that you eat, will work wonders to improve your overall health and well-being.

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