Learn more about inspiring women working in the world of microbes

Learn more about inspiring women working in the world of microbes

Inspire inclusion – this is the rallying theme for this year’s international women’s day. A day to be aware of the lingering disparities but also to celebrate and champion the wonderful women taking a leading role in all areas of our lives.

We are aiming for inclusion. That is where we want to be, but there is some way to go.

Writer and campaigner Caroline Criado Perez has gathered various statistics that show how women are treated unevenly in healthcare. She argues that women have been considered less important in healthcare as far back as Ancient Greece. And the problem still exists. Women are routinely underrepresented in clinical trials and medical research.

Why is this important?

Because if we are unclear about the differences in how disease and inflammation show up for men and women we are less able to save more female lives.

Today we celebrate a few of the many women who are at the forefront of microbiome research and development or running big organisations trying to change the way we live with microbes.

We think the work that they are doing is so important in reaching inclusion and equality and we believe that by supporting them we will get closer to our goals.

And you can help. Please follow these women, find out more about their work and lend your voices to their causes.

So here goes:

Colleen Acosta is co-founder of Freya which is a clinical stage company focused on providing innovative solutions for women’s reproductive health. Their mission is to redefine fertility through microbial immunotherapies aimed at relieving chronic inflammation.

Hana Janebdar is co-founder of Juno Bio – Juno Bio believes that every vagina is unique and should be cared for uniquely. They have gathered data on 1000 vaginal microbiomes and from these samples have developed an at home kit to provide you with a personalised microbiome profile.

The Gut Stuff – Founded by the Mac Twins Lisa and Alana, with inspiring information on how to improve your gut, recipes, tips and snack bars. Their new app will help you hit your daily fibre intake goals!

Alanna Collen - author of 10% human - In her ground-breaking book, biologist Alanna Collen reveals how our personal colony of microbes influences our weight, immune system, mental health and even our choice of partner.

Dr. Tamara Jane Zelikova ecologist working on the microbiology of soil. She is executive director of the Soil Carbon Solutions Centre at Colorado State University. She is also co-founder of 500 Women Scientists, a global grassroots organisation with the mission to make science open, inclusive, and accessible. Watch this fascinating TED talk to find out more.

We’d love to hear from you if you are another, or if you know another.

To these - and to all the amazing women including themselves in microbiology research and development for the health of our bodies and our planet – we raise a glass today.

To add to the celebration, we are offering 15% off our products until the end of the day on Sunday the 10th of March. Use the code INCLUDEWOMEN15.

Please note, this does not include subscriptions.

With love

The microbz team

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